The swiss army knife for quick and easy developement of MIDI applications.
Pin | Value |
PE2 (RXD0) | MIDI in |
PE3 (TXD0) | MIDI out |
All GPIO connectors are standard 2.54 mm (100 mil) 10-pin boxed headers commonly used to connect ribbon cables. The voltage across pins 1 and 10 (VGPIO) amounts to 3.3 V. Keep in mind the maximum load of the onboard LDO!
All pins of this connector can be used for analog-digital-conversion.
Pin | GPIO Header Pin |
VGPIO | 1 |
PA0 (ADC0) | 2 |
PA1 (ADC1) | 3 |
PA2 (ADC2) | 4 |
PA3 (ADC3) | 5 |
PA4 (ADC4) | 6 |
PA5 (ADC5) | 7 |
PA6 (ADC6) | 8 |
PA7 (ADC7) | 9 |
GND | 10 |
The TWI / I2C interface of Port C (TWIC) is accessible here.
Pin | GPIO Header Pin |
VGPIO | 1 |
PB0 | 2 |
PB1 | 3 |
PB2 (DACB::DAC0) | 4 |
PB3 (DACB::DAC1) | 5 |
PC0 (SDA, TWIC) | 6 |
PC1 (SCL, TWIC) | 7 |
PC2 (C0::RXD0) | 8 |
PC3 (C0::TXD0) | 9 |
GND | 10 |
Pin | GPIO Header Pin |
VGPIO | 1 |
PC4 (TCC1::OC1A) | 2 |
PC5 (TCC1::OC1B) | 3 |
PC6 (C1::RXD1) | 4 |
PC7 (C1::RXC1) | 5 |
PD0 (TCD0::OC0A) | 6 |
PD1 (TCD0::OC0B) | 7 |
PD2 (TCD0::OC0C) | 8 |
PD3 (TCD0::OC0D) | 9 |
GND | 10 |
The residual pins of the MCU were connected to four jumpers on the bottom layer of the PCB. Closing a jumper results in a connection of the corresponding MCU pin to GND.
Pin | LED |
PR0 | JP2 |
PR1 | JP3 |
PD4 | JP4 |
PD5 | JP5 |
Since sometimes there is no silkscreen, the jumper designators on the bottom layer are depicted below. Mind the mirrored top-layer silkscreen.
Pin | LED |
PE0 | D7 (red) |
PE1 | D8 (green) |